The Infectiously Enthusiastic Ben Silverman

We suspect that we may never tire of reading stories about how new NBC co-chairman/rock-star Ben Silverman plans to remake the last-place network in his own fun-loving, party-positive, hey-let's-have-that-meeting-at-The-Standard's-pool! image, especially when such pieces continue to yield details like this one from today's NY Times article on Hollywood's high-fivingest new executive:
He is now so enthusiastic about the assignment of resurrecting NBC's fortunes that he brings a small set of chimes along with him to meetings so he can play the three-note N-B-C jingle whenever a happy moment occurs.
Should Silverman's adorable chimes not inspire staffers still learning to have fun again after toiling in predecessor Kevin Reilly's oppressively "classy" regime, he's fully prepared to step up the mirth-making antics. The next time his perfectly pitched "Ennn....BEEEEEE...ceeee!" vocal accompaniment to the jingle doesn't produce acceptable levels of creativity-spurring merriment, he'll retreat to his office, quickly change into the custom-made peacock costume he has on hand for "downer emergencies," then return to his conference room, hoping that the suit's tail-mounted tequila-shot dispensers will succeed where his three-tone pick-me-up had recently failed.