'Black Snake Moan' Remake Improves Upon Original With Addition Of Actual Boning

If you don't mind how the posts tend to stick together, our pervy cousin Fleshbot is always a great place to go for the latest in XXX takes on Hollywood releases. In the grand tradition of The Da Vinci Load, then, we present for you their latest discovery—Black Snake Boned!. Amazingly enough, the filmmakers have somehow spun the quaint source material—about a white, Southern, nymphomaniac party girl chained to a radiator by a physically intimidating African American bent on "taming" her—into something more appropriate for adult fare.
Something tells us this is exactly the kind of breakout role Devlin Weed needed to catapult himself to the next level, and we imagine it won't be long before the producers of Skanks on a Plane, and similar projects seeking to capitalize on his new notoriety as the Sam Jackson of the porn industry, begin to pour in.