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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Bradford Family patriarch Dick Van Patten killing some time at a Starbucks in the Valley.

In today's episode: Lindsay Lohan, Amaury Nolasco, Paris Hilton, Dave Navarro, and Jason Statham; Ryan Gosling; Seth Rogen; James Gandolfini; Ben Henrikson and Grace Zabriskie; Ron Howard and Paul Simon; Elijah Wood; Larry King; Wanda Sykes; Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale; Adam Brody; Eric Dane and Gary Cole; Robert Gant; Adrian Grenier; Benjamin Bratt; Andy Dick; Brian Posehn; Dick Van Patten; Gilbert Gottfried; Paul Stanley; David Faustino; Santino Rice and Frederic von Anhalt. In Vancouver: Rick Schroeder.

· Soooo I know its a bit late, but hey, better late then never when it comes to Malibu 4th of July sightings. My grandparents live next door to what I later found out was the Polaroid beach house. 3 pm...walk out to see a line of photogs on the beach stumbling to get photos of none other than Miss L. Blowhan... Lindsay Lohan was smoking away and doing a great job of being seen drinking water...As the day continued, lots of people showed up on that balcony, that was a stones throw from our BBQ. Maybe it was some sort of deal with Polaroid to have them be seen up there, even the dude from Prison Break was up there..(Amaury Nolasco) Thanks IMDB!!!!! I felt bad staring the whole time like a girl from Iowa who had never seen the beach or celebutards, but I was really just wishing I was there amongst the pretty people and cocaine, not my Grandparents and all their old Jewish friends... Paris Hilton, Dave Navarro, and some celeb spawns were there as well... And the one I had to hold myself back from groping and drunkenly molesting on the beach, Mr. Jason Statham ( YUMMY YUMMY ) of Transporter say the least if was interesting. I love the summer renters in Malibu...getting better and trashier every year...

· 7-07-07 Definitely my lucky day. Saw Ryan Gosling at Cliff's Edge in Silverlake around 9:30ish. Taller, skinnier, and more handsome in person. Also quiet and laidback. Was having dinner with a group of equally shaggy looking guys. I can die happy now.

· 7-8 I saw Seth Rogen at the Jamba Juice at LaBrea and Santa Monica — he ordered the exact same thing as me, and I'm considering a lawsuit for plagiarism.

· I saw Grace Zabriskie of "Big Love" and "Twin Peaks" fame at the "Chasing the Rabbit" opening at the BLK/MRKT Gallery in Culver City last night (7-7). Turns out her daughter is Marion Lane, the artist whose work was on display. There was a young actorly looking dude there who looked familiar, but I could not figure out who it was. Thanks to the official "Big Love" website, I learned it was Douglas Smith, who plays one of Grace's grandsons on the show (Ben Henrikson). My crafty web research also taught me that Ms. Zabriskie is an artist in her own right.

On Tuesday of this past week (Erev 4th of July), a huge group of co-workers and I had drinks at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza. One of them said she saw James Gandolfini walking in the lobby. I ran to catch a glance, but only saw the back of his head as he retreated toward the elevators. I could tell it was definitely him though.

· 7/8/07 My loathing of The Grove was in no way ameliorated by sighting tiny, greying Paul Simon or not-so-tiny bald Ron Howard, who is still under the impression that wearing a baseball cap will give the illusion of luxurious locks.

Rupert Grint, meet your future...

· Saw ELIJAH WOOD on line at Starbuck's on Lincoln at Marine (right on the border between Santa Monica and Venice, at 11:00 am on Sunday, July 8th. He is teeny-tiny, with narrow hips, but a dead giveaway with those enormous eyes. Very unassuming, no 'tude, although noticed being noticed. Drove away in a Mini Cooper.

· July 5th - Dodger Stadium. As I was sitting in my seat enjoying a nitrate laced Dodger dog, I looked around and noticed Larry King. At first he looked like any other older gentleman with a big head. But when he turned around you couldn't help but notice Larry. He looked like he was with a nanny/assistant and two little boys (I am making an assumption that these were his children). Towards the fifth inning a very skinny blonde/ trophy wife type showed up (another assumption that this was his wife), standing for a while, obstructing the view of her fellow Dodger fans. Rule of thumb when attending a Dodger game: Sit your ASS DOWN!!!!

· Sunday, 7-8: Decked in bright orange, Wanda Sykes at an afternoon show of "Paris, Je T'aime" at the Sunset-5 in Hollywood. With a female friend, stood in line to wait for parking validation like everyone else.

· I can finally contribute to a sighting! Gwen Stefani, hubby Gavin Rossdale and sickeningly cute child all had brunch at Hugo's on Coldwater Saturday (7-7). No harajuku girls in sight. Thank God.

Kiefer remains MIA.

· Saturday July 7. The Hollywood Bowl: Adam Brody, standing next to my friend's box during the intermission between Andrew Bird and the Decemberists. First time I've seen him away from the Arclite or Canter's, where I've seen him at least a half dozen times in the past. Great show!
Also Saturday July 7: Gold's Gym in Hollywood. McSteamy Eric Dane and Gary Cole, who's looking trim. Cole on Cole! I've loved that guy ever since Fatal Vision. Did you know he's the voice of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law? Well he is.
Sunday July 8: Gold's Gym: Robert Gant from Queer As Folk, who was very smiley and seemed like a nice man. No I'm not his publicist.

· At the Decemberists concert, July 7 at the Hollywood Bowl — Adrian Grenier, sporting a very tasty-looking basket. And the thing he carried picnic food in looked nice also.

· Whole Foods Santa Monica, mid-afternoon on Saturday, 7/7. What nice hunk of meat was browsing the meats and lamenting the absence of his favorite sausages? Benjamin Bratt, thankfully not rockin' the Pinero look. To say that he's very attractive would be the understatement of the year. I would make a joke about where I wished his sausage was hiding, but I think I overdid it with the "hunk of meat" line...oh,well. I, sadly and unironically, left with chicken. Sigh.

· Token andy dick sighting:

Thursday night (7-5) around 8ish at fais do do. In walks andy dick and asks to no one in particular if anyone wants to bang the 2 girls he brought with him. Being that there were only about 15 people there and it was only 8pm, it left an awkward silence in the room. To top it all off, he jumped on stage during one of the bands and sang a song called, "I'm gonna rape you nasty ass girlfriend".....welcome to Hollywood

· July 3rd, at the "Big Fu@!kin Robots" screening at the Arclight, I
was going into the 11 o clock show, but coming out of the show before us was Uber-geek Brian Posehn. (Think I spelled it right). He seemed pleased with his movie selection, but he might have just been numb. My brain still hasn't recovered from movie, and every time I think about the movie, I get angry at myself for enjoying it.

Oh, and even though this is mad old, about two months ago I was walking past the Starbucks on Ventura (near Woodman in Sherman Oaks) and I saw Dick Van Patten, having an animated discussion with his companion. I just thought that was cool. Dick Van Patten, man.

· Not the world's hippest sighting, but as my boyfriend and I were leaving Niko Sushi on Friday night (7—6), we spotted Gilbert Gottfried waiting outside Il Capricio on Vermont Ave. The place was packed, but Mr. Gottfried seemed to be in a jovial mood. He was wearing an expensive-looking suit and looked surprisingly good—he exhibited none of the bloated/ashen/pock-marked signs of aging I generally associate with aging comedians.

· I was on a flight from Orlando to LA Sunday (6-8) and seated a few
rows in front of me in first-class was Paul Stanley from Kiss. He's a lot shorter than I thought, but I guess when you spend most of your career wearing massive platform shoes folks might have trouble gauging your height. He was perusing a few gossip periodicals which is definitely not very 'rock n' roll all night, party everyday,' but he still seemed like a cool guy.

· was having a leisurely Sunday afternoon (7-8) brunch at Birds when I spotted a short, scraggly guy and a bunch of his friends leave the restaurant and wait by the valet. 'Twas none other than Bud Bundy, a.k.a. David Faustino, who I seem to recall recently got himself into a DUI arrest in Florida. Anyway, he was out and about, but I didn't get to see if he was waiting for his own car at the valet (is his license suspended or does he have a Paris Hilton license?) or if he was hitching a ride with a friend.

· Santino Rice (Project Runway) at the Sunday (7/7) 5pm show of Rescue Dawn at the ArcLight. Wearing signature army green cap and black skinny jeans. Expectedly tall. With male companion. He laughed a lot at the ArcLight usher's pre-screening speech.

· "Prince" Frederic von Anhalt walking out of Bristol Farms in BH, July 6. He walked very slowly, obviously hoping someone would notice him, or file a paternity claim, but no one did.

Special Vancouver Edition:

· In the far northern reaches of Hollywood (i.e., Vancouver), on Sunday, July 8, Rick(y) Schroeder, walking down Robson Street, by himself, looking stunningly great for a man of his advanced age. I only report this geographically undesirable sighting because everyone is jonesing for a Kiefer sighting, and this made it seem like we might be getting closer to it. I yelled the obligatory "Hold your fire Doyle," and was promptly tackled by a gaggle of Mounties. Also, Canadian Defamertaters, WTF is "Toonie Tuesday," and should I care?

[Photo: AP Images]