Was Jim Louderback pushed? Or did he jump?

Luckily, former PC Magazine editor Jim Louderback won't have to depend on renting out his Vermont vacation home for income. Revision3, the online-video startup founded by Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose, has hired him as its new CEO, a coup Adelson was bragging about at the recent Foo Camp. But we're not buying the spin Louderback's allies are peddling to NewTeeVee — that he jumped to Revision3 rather than getting pushed out of his plush perch at PC Magazine. Here's the evidence for both theories — and your chance to vote in a poll.Here's why: A source estimates his salary at $300K or higher, a big expense for a magazine losing ad pages left and right, and notes that he was commuting from the Bay Area to New York City for the job. That suggests he was pushed. On the other hand, online video is a hot market right now, and a San Francisco job is understandably more appealing — which suggests Louderback jumped. Update: For the record, Jim Louderback emails Valleywag, saying he jumped:
While I'm excited to see my photo in Valleywag — I'm a huge fan — alas, I didn't get fired. After 14 years there (give or take), I would have walked away with a sweet severance package. They did everything they could to get me to stay. Nope, it's actually a much more boring story about moving from one fun job ( that was mostly in New York) to another that's closer to home - and that's a more exciting challenge. Sort of like what you (Owen) did, actually. But I do appreciate the plug for my rental house in Vermont! Every link helps... It's still available for a few weeks this fall if you're interested. Jim PS, on the numbers for PCMag advertising - which I had very little to do with as the head of edit - you might want to see how the other magazines (PC World, Computer Shopper, Maximum PC) have done in that same time frame. PCMag was still the leader in market share when I left yesterday, as it has been the entire time I've been at Ziff Davis (since 1991). If PC Mag dropped, the others dropped even more.
So which is it? You decide.