Ignorant 'Sun' Columnist Reassures Jews That She Will Not Convert Them

We have a half-developed theory that the Catholic Church's rejection of the Latin Mass in the wake of Vatican II - which instructed priests to perform the ceremony in the language of its parishioners and face the congregation, as opposed to previous practice - was a reaction to the aggressive bebop stylings of the late fifties and early sixties, where the players turned their back on the crowds and performed music that was more difficult to understand. Like a lot of the crap we spout off about, the whole idea is sort of ridiculous and without merit, but, whatever, it's not like we're shouting it out in a major metropolitan daily or anything. Because that would make us, you know, Alicia Colon.
Discussing the Church's recent decision to return to the Latin liturgy, the Sun columnist notes objections by those pesky Hebrews, who are always seeing anti-Semitism in everything.
The pope's announcement has drawn inquiries from Jewish groups concerned that a prayer for conversion of the Jews will also be reinstated. They have asked for a clarification on exactly what restoring the Latin Mass will entail. My first reaction to that news was, "What prayer of conversion?" I certainly don't recall it being any part of the Latin Masses I attended so I dug out my old English/Latin "Sunday Missal" which we used to follow the services. If there had ever been such a prayer it certainly wasn't anything heard at a regular Mass. There had been something similar during Good Friday services, I've been told, but that also was not listed in the prayer book.
Hmm! Puzzling. Harnessing the power of a novel search engine called Google, it took us all of a second to find this:
The 16th-century Tridentine Mass, which refers to Jews as "perfidious", was replaced in 1969. In the words of the original, penned in 1570, Jews live in "blindness" and "darkness"; it pleads that "the Lord our God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ".
To be fair to Alicia, the Mass was performed in Latin, a language with which she is apparently as unfamiliar with as English. Seriously, does anyone edit this woman?
Latin Mass No Threat To Judaism [NYS]
Will pope reintroduce anti-Semitic mass? [ynet]