Here is the gayest item ever printed in Rush & Molloy in the Daily News: "Every moment of Barbra Streisand's European tour must be preserved for history. A spy reports from the isle of Capri: 'We're having drinks and we see Diane von Furstenberg, Barry Diller, Sandy Gallin and James Brolin hanging out with Streisand's bichon frise. I heard Brolin say, 'She's shopping for shoes.' Five minutes later, Babs struts up with a Stuart Weitzman bag and a schlumpy white linen outfit. She's followed by a guy who's not only filming her but taping the crowd's reaction to her.'" It's like you could read this item to, say, Dane Cook or Bill Clinton, and suddenly he'd be carrying one of those big 48-dollar apartment-sized gold Marc Jacobs totes while shopping for a weekend house in the Swish Alps.

Side Dish [NYDN]