Shady ads reveal a search for identity

Like the fictional Jason Bourne, played by Matt Damon in the upcoming Bourne Ultimatum, Google can't decide who it really is. A good guy trying to save the world? Or an amoral mercenary? It can't be both. As Google Blogoscoped points out, Google is slanting search results by placing an extra-large advertisement for Bourne Ultimatum in its search results. How ... evil. How evil? Here's how:The promotion, of course, includes Google's YouTube website, which lets searchers pop open a movie trailer right on the page. Google previously placed the ad on searches for "Jason Bourne," but now limits it to searches for "Bourne Ultimatum." Google's Marissa Mayer likes to parrot the truism that "the best answer is still the best answer." But now, it appears that the best answer changes depending on the size of an advertiser's wallet. Or how much public criticism Google gets for a particular marketing deal. Don't be evil — except for the highest bidder.