Valleywag was chuffed to receive an email from Leah Borromeo, a producer at Sky News, the Rupert Murdoch-controlled British news service. "Jolly good!" we thought. "A bit of British TV time!" Or at least a change from our all-CNBC-all-the-time broadcast schedule (not that we mind). Alas, turns out Borromeo was looking for comment from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on his legal battle with ConnectU. We hear that Valleywag's very popular in the offices of the red-hot social network. Nonetheless, it seems like sending Valleywag an email is a rather convoluted method of inviting Zuckerberg on air. We don't know what's more amusing: Borromeo's cheek in saying she loves "seeing Harvard boys battle it out," or her presumption in thinking that Zuckerberg's PR handlers would ever allow him to comment on live TV about a pending legal case. After the jump, the misdirected missive.

From: Borromeo, Leah
To: ""
Cc: "Usherwood, Zoe"
Date: Jul 21, 2007 6:10 PM
Subject: Facebook (Sky News Enquiry)

Hi Mark -

We'd be very interested to see how your schedule is set for this Wednesday 25 July to discuss the next phase in the Facebook/ConnectU trial. We love seeing Harvard boys battle it out....

Would you be amenable to an on camera live interview sometime during the day? We're a 24-hr UK-based broadcaster that transmits to over 45 countries around the world. Depending on where you are, we could arrange for you to be brought to a local studio.

I can be reached at this email and at the numbers listed below. In my absence, I've also cc'd Zoe Usherwood who is our guest guru to this message.

Thanks again Mark.

Leah Delfin Borromeo | Deputy News Editor | Sky News | +44 207 REDACTED | +44 7947 REDACTED