The Siren Festival

The Village Voice, home of cultural relevance, hosted their seventh annual Siren festival on Saturday. David Johansen, the 57-year-old frontman of the New York Dolls, shuffled on stage; swaggering, skinny, senescent. The Dolls rocked but in more of a social artifact way. M.I.A., the darling of the summer of 2005, almost didn't make it to the show due to visa issues but she was perhaps was the most convincing performer. The crowd, mostly young and white, stood crisscrossed by the shadows of the nearby roller coaster. They drank beer out of those elongated plastic containers you get at Renaissance Fairs and nodded their heads. Those who wore caps to protect their scalps under their prematurely thinning hair, did so at an angle. We sent Brad Walsh to capture the awful jubilation.