Esai Morales Uses The Power Of MySpace To Clear His Name

An update to the developments of late last week involving heartthrob actor Esai Morales. As readers may recall, Morales's ex-girlfriend made several ugly accusations in a civil lawsuit, including allegations of rape and of having knowingly infected her with herpes. Today, Morales has struck back, using the preferred method of celebrities wanting to reach out to fans against the counsel of their lawyers: by posting an open letter on his MySpace page. (Warning: Clicking the link will subject you to Morales-sung power ballad "Reason To Live.")
July 23, 2007
To My Fans,
As you may have already heard, I have been put in a very frustrating situation by some hurtful accusations that were leveled against me in a recent lawsuit. But, because of the nature of the litigious society we live in, my very competent legal counsel is advising me not to comment at this time.
Yet, I need to assure you personally that the charges that have been leveled against me are absolutely false and without merit and I am prepared to vigorously defend myself and my reputation.
You know me. You've known me for nearly three decades. And you know in your hearts that these claims are baseless. This is not the way I live my life and I am incapable of committing these kinds of acts.
I am proud of my humanity, my activism and my respect for fellow human beings. I will continue to be optimistic and I will not let a personal attack deter me from the bigger picture.
I am grateful and humbled by your prayers, well wishes and expressions of trust and support at this time and look forward to the day when the truth will prevail.
Esai Morales
While the page contains no comments directly addressing the matter, we imagine it won't be long before the torrent of testimonials from MySpace friends telling their "homeboy, E-mo" how they never once doubted his innocence, while expressing their deep gratitude for "the add, especially during this troubling, personal time."