We hear that Drew Kerr's Four Corners PR firm, which used to represent Radar, has finally gone to the great press release wastebasket in the sky. A former employee tells us that Kerr's resigned his Maxim and Dennis accounts, and that the company Web mail server doesn't exist anymore. [UPDATE: Kerr emails to say that he still has three clients—Future US, which publishes Guitar World, DriverTV, and Godengo; his office is not shutting down ["We just moved to 23rd and 6th"]; and though he has no employees, "it's just me as a solo operation as Four Corners Communications, as it was the first five years we were in business."] We sent an email sent to Kerr for confirmation and got the following message in return: "I will be out of the office until Thursday afternoon. Be back to you then. Thanks — Drew." Curious! We hope this doesn't mean we're never getting a box of baby carrots again!

UPDATE: Drew emails to say:

No, that is not true at all.

We will be parting ways with Maxim and Blender very shortly (our doing 100% — after 11 years, it's time to give the incoming regime their due). But otherwise, we still have accounts we've had for a a long while as well as new ones.

Okay then!

Earlier: Drew Kerr Sends Us A Present