Seems that the execs at PodTech weren't so pleased with TechCrunch's story today, and called an all-hands meeting to state to employees that, as Robert Scoble reveals on Twitter, "TechCrunch got a lot of things wrong". TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington reacts swiftly, telling Scoble that any inaccuracies came from PodTech CEO John Furrier and then scolds the prolific blogger: "It's bullshit to call this out publicly. I assume the off-record conversation is now fair game for TechCrunch.". And all of this is in time for tonight's TechCrunch9 party at August Capital, which Scoble is expected to attend UPDATE: Arrington has responded on his TechCrunch blog, in a post delightfully titled "Dear PodTech, I'm Not Your VP Marketing."