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Attention, Valley residents: Julia Allison, the Star editor-at-large, TV commentator, and notorious nobody from New York, is still in the area. Valleywag has learned — from Allison herself! — that she cancelled plans to fly back yesterday at the behest of imperious TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington, who ordered her to "fucking stay." As startup entrepreneurs already know and Allison is learning, one disobeys Arrington at one's peril. So strap down your menfolk and lock away your sysadmins, people: Allison and companion Meghan Asha are still on the prowl. They're from the Big Apple, they're way underdressed for the weather, and they're not going to leave until they land a beau who can whip up a jazzy CSS file and upgrade them to Movable Type 4.0.