Today's Sun highlights a trend among the rich of our fair isle: people buying second or third homes not in the country, but in the... city? Take must-be-crazy-rich Robert and Suzanne Cochran, who have lived at 1000 Park Ave. (pictured) for 17 years. They already have a country house, but now they've also bought a 5,200 square foot loft in Tribeca. The other day, Mrs. Cochran was "scouting out fabrics" for the home:

The Cochrans plan to use their loft to throw parties and display the kind of big pieces of contemporary art that until now they've held off purchasing because their residences weren't suited to it. So far they're acquired a light piece by Leo Villareal and a family portrait in chocolate syrup by Vik Muniz.

Well, at least they have a cutting-edge art collection that traveled in time from the late 90s!

Second Homes Within The City Sprout Uptown and Downtown [NYS] [Image via]