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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and blow our minds with your ability to recognize cast members from Sha-Na-Na.

In today's episode: Carrie Fisher; Kate Bosworth; Matthew Perry, James Spader, Claire Danes, Fran Drescher, Alanis Morissette, Ian Gomez, and Nia Vardalos; Matthew Perry; Jimmy Kimmel; Tavis Smiley and Cornell West; Jemaine Clement, Sean Hayes, Victor Garber, and John Henson; Kathy Griffin; Ian Ziering and Crispin Glover; Greg Grunberg; David Hasselhoff and Scott Baio; Scott Baio; David Carradine; Devon Gummersall; Gedde Wantanabe and Shelley Long; Aaron Douglas; Jon Bauman; Danny Bonaduce; Brooke Hogan.

· 02 august - just had a quick lunch at the in-n-out, here in uber-glamourous sherman oaks. as i stood in line waiting to order, i heard a small group of people talking behind me. one of the voices sounded vaguely familiar. after ordering i stepped to the side to get my beverage. as i did so, a small, well-dressed woman wearing big Chanel sunglasses swooped past me toward the counter with her scraggly woman friend and three scraggly pre-teens. they took forever ordering as no one seemed to know what the hell they wanted. the well-dressed woman said, "i'm going to the liquor store to get drinks for the car. what do you kids want for the road?" as soon as i heard her say "liquor store" i immediately recognized her as Carrie Fisher. my guess is she's going on the lam with these people to avoid having to do one more episode of "On the Lot."

· At Mozza Friday night, I spotted Kate Bosworth in a short black dress, carrying a very large black bag. Even though her hair was sort of all over the place, I must admit, she looked pretty good. The new 10 pounds have made a world of difference. Didn't see what she ate, though — they stuck her in the private room in the back.

· so many celebs at el rey last night for swell season (who were fucking amazing of course). matthew perry, james spader, claire danes, fran drescher, alanis morissette, ian gomez from lost and his wife nia vardalos (thanks for that trivia fact, imdb!), and the biggest surprise of the night... damien rice, who came out and played a song towards the end of their set. SUCH a good show. you all gotta see Once in theaters if you haven't yet already.

· Saw Chanandler Bong himself (Matthew Perry) at the Swell Season concert last night (8/1). Apparently he was too good for a seat, because he was just chillin on the ground.

· July 30th 2007 10:30 PM Jimmy Kimmel sighting I know yawn.
On the Bread aisle at the Fancy Ralph's on Vineland. Spooked him with eye contact. But he has one of those normal guy I know you faces, then you realize oh from TV.Look away or he'll freak.

· Pinkberry is usually known as the preferred "treat" (as if 100 calories counts as such) of the vapid young twiggy set, so imagine what an awesome surprise it was to spot two BFFs from the African American intelligentsia set at the Larchmont location today (Tues. 7/31): TV/radio host extraordinaire Tavis Smiley with academic rock star/public intellectual/rapper/Matrix cameo-performer Cornell West. Seeing Dr. West in his uniform — a formal black three-piece suit complete with scarf (no matter the weather, apparently), pocket watch chain, and Africa-emblazoned cuff links — juxtaposed against all that gently illuminated orange glass, Starck ghost chairs and Le Klint lamps will forever be burned in my brain.

· i keep seeing jemaine (clement) from flight of the conchords. first he was walking down the street i was driving on. then he was following me at the grove. dude, if you want my number, just ask.

saw a TON of people at my friend's play, milk cartons and other places to find yourself, last friday — sean hayes, victor garber and a smattering of character actors i couldn't place. and my very favorite, john henson of talk soup fame.

· Kathy Griffin was over at William Morris this morning. She looks surprisingly non-plastic in real life.

· Saturday morning, July 28, early enough to beat the hipster douche crowds at the Griddle, we saw Steve "I8A4RE" Sanders (Ian Ziering) waiting for a table. Not being a local, and also being that it was Steve Sanders, I might have inadvertently exclaimed "oh my god" and my friends looked behind them to see who was missing an arm. He seemed excited to be recognized and kept looking over at me, even though I was mortified and totally pretended like I didn't see him for the rest of the time.

· Today, Aug. 2, saw Heroes hero Greg Grunberg sipping the java at Starbucks on Platt Ave. in West Hills. Post Alias/Lost/Felicity, he looks quite handsome and svelte (all thanks to Weight Watchers, so sayeth Google). He seems shy and nice, like the perfect soccer dad rocking the ubiquitous titanium PowerBook. Thankfully, none of my valley brethren bothered him with annoying salvos of "save the cheerleader, save the world".

Sunday, Trader Joe's in Silverlake, b in the frozen foods section. My friend was tipped off after observing him grabbing bunches of packets of dried fruit weirdly (is there any other way), and pointed him out. He looks better than I expected.

· Here's a couple of sightings for you:
Saturday 7/28: At opening night of Dracula at the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga Canyon and David Hasselhoff shows up for the last 15 mins. It was ridiculous, he made a big scene entering so late, and with some over-the-hill-but-still-skanky blond. He didn't look or smell drunk, but who knows.

Tuesday 7/31: At Vibrato on Beverly Glen to see Grammy winner Poncho Sanchez and his latin jazz band. The band and the wine was awesome. Scott Baio showed up with a few friends, looked around and left 5 minutes later.

· 7/31 - Slutty Scott Baio and table of losers/entourage/posse at Shu in Bev. Glen making no attempt to disguise their oggling of anything that passed by with two breasts, a hole, and a heartbeat. Chachi can brag all he wants to Howard Stern about how he's approaching a Gene Simmons-esque lay total in this lifetime, but I will always think of him as the dumbass who lost his virginity making sweet, sweet love to a couch cushion.

· 8/2/07- Spotted David Carradine getting his hair cut by the owner at Allen Edwards Salon in Woodland Hills. His "Kill Bill" mystique is slightly diminished now that I've seen him with his hair in foils. Worked on a newspaper crossword puzzle (with a pen) and kept his head down.

· 7/29 - IKEA Burbank (i know, i know...sad) - Devon Gummersall (Brian Krakow - he of the pubescent paradigm of the early 90s "My So-Called Life") still working the gently cascading pre-raphaelite curls, though not as long nor unkempt, fresh dewey skin and a smoking hot girl macking on him. Does this even count as a sighting? Maybe there should be a new category called "flashback sightings," or "throw 'em a bone" sightings.

· THE ONE AND ONLY, named after a duck's dork — Long Duk Dong, Gedde Wantanabe in line @ the Arclight; laughing and having a good time & Shelley Long and female friend coming out of PARIS, JE T'AIME @ a Saturday matinee.

· San Diego airport, Monday July 30th. I approached the two guys at the head of the looooong Air Canada line to ask if I could cut in due to the torn ligaments in my foot that make standing for long periods of time very unpleasant. Realized at the last second that it was Aaron Douglas, aka Chief Tyrol from Battlestar Galactica. Obviously we were both returning to our home and native land after attending Comic-Con. He and his buddy very kindly let me stand with them after seeing my cane, and Aaron told the woman marshalling the line that I was his friend. He definitely gets my vote for sweetest Cylon.

Also, not sure if this counts because it was at a Comic-Con panel, but I saw Scott Porter, aka Jason Street on Friday Night Lights at the Smallville panel on Saturday July 28. He talked to me and my friends afterwards, and was very gracious and nice. His petite and beautiful girlfriend Denise seemed excited that we'd recognized him, and took our picture with Scott. Very cute couple.

· Friday, July 27th, at The Nabe (Good Neighbor on Cahuenga West), guy sits next to my friend and me, holding 3/4-read "Harry Potter." I comment "I'm too lazy to read it, listening to it on CD", when he turns to me and I notice it's Bowzer (Jon Bauman) from Sha Na Na!!! Sounds the same, curly hair, a bit more of him to love, but unmistakable. Some philistine grilled him later on with "Aren't you somebody?" and we died of embarrassment for Bowzer as he tried to explain. Attempted to share this story with clerk at Vroman's, who absolutely didn't get it at all (crickets). Am I that old?

· Another day, another absurd sighting. Fighting my way through the Tuesday night crowd at The Grove (does no one work anymore??) to get to the free screening of "Becoming Jane," stopped dead in my tracks by a large gaggle of middle-aged women screaming in front of the fountain. Object of their affection? A tight-shirted Danny Bonaduce. He seemed to be soaking up the attention, but I pushed some admirers aside and screamed profanities to get away. Of note: he was taller than I expected.

· Saw Brooke Hogan marching through the Beverly Center wheeling a suitcase behind her (today at 3:45pm). She was taller than I expected and had that shifty-eyed, self-conscious, someone could realize I'm a celebrity at any moment look.