More People Run Screaming From Working With Lindsay Lohan

The dogged persistence with which Lindsay Lohan appears to be grinding her career into a fine powder and snorting it off the seat of the crapper is so thorough, and so consistent, that it's almost a welcome show of commitment in this fickle town. In addition to appearing headed for a long, glorious career in the straight-to-video market thanks to I Know Who Killed Me, Lindsay has also managed to convince the folks at Louis Vuitton that she's a sticky-fingered little wastrel who can't be trusted:
Lindsay Lohan [... ] was once in the running to be the new face of Louis Vuitton. But after a disastrous Elle magazine shoot two months ago, the luxury line will no longer even lend her clothes.
"Louis Vuitton had sent over some samples for her to wear in the shoot," said a snitch. "Lindsay kept shoving the clothes into her bag, and a stylist's assistant kept getting them out of the bag, only to have Lindsay keep trying to take them. She ended up walking off with a very expensive shirt and some other items - which screwed Louis Vuitton because they were set to go to Vogue, W and Harper's Bazaar for other shoots. They were furious and kept trying to get their clothes back, but . . . Lindsay walked out with them and never returned calls."
We're sure Lohan will clear up this little misunderstanding in a fully adequite BlackBerry screed telling us what we already know: That someone planted the clothes in her bag, like so many insidious little gak grenades. Perhaps she'd be better off staying down at the bottom of the barrel and becoming the fresh face of Forever 21, where she can swipe all the shirts and dresses she can fit into an Escalade and never owe them more than $40 for their trouble.