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Now that Diane Sawyer's comforting bosom has lured all kinds of pregnancy details out of Nicole Richie, we can get right down to what actually matters: Putting our hard-earned blogging cash — all $20 of it — on the 11-1 odds is giving that she will name her kid "Britney."

Because there are, as ever, some incredibly bored or hammered oddsmakers out there, the betting Web site is laying odds on everything from the Maddenspawn's birth weight to hair color to which magazine will win the right to lovingly photograph its first week of attempts to feign interest in food. But we have to argue with them on one thing — 4-1 that they'll call it Reuben? Even if that's a family name, there's no way this girl is naming anything of hers after a sandwich.

Oh, and if you have any cash left over, we recommend a side wager on Betty White being the next person to beat the crap out of village idiot Andy Dick. At 9-1, it's not such a bad bet, because if The Golden Girls taught us anything, it's to lock up all the cheesecake and never to count out a girl from St. Olaf.