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Since you're nothing in this world unless your likeness can be crushed onto an envelope with someone's dirty thumb, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie — this actor couple with some kids; you may have run across them once — must be incredibly relieved that their star status is now fully legitimized.

The Australia Post, which sponsors the country's Magazine Of The Year event, rewarded winner New Idea by sticking one of its Pitt/Jolie covers onto a limited-edition commemorative 50-cent stamp — no doubt their lowest appearance fee in recent memory. The release announced, "I don't know of any other country in the world that has ever had Brad and Angelina on a stamp," and you know what, it's true. Namibia got The Divine Birth, Berlin and Prague has been getting the family lately... what's left for us in all this? Their collection of empty houses and pathetic shells of their exes? Screw that.