Flickr's Heather Champ can take a joke — and does

San Francisco A-List bloggers Derek Powazek, the man who designed Blogger's logo, and Heather Champ, a community manager at Flickr, air out a domestic dispute in the Wall Street Journal:
For Derek Powazek, 34, there are limits to what he'll share with his wife, Heather. The San Francisco couple has separate blogs; his focuses on digital media, hers on photography. Mr. Powazek says he sometimes sees her quoting his best jokes on her blog, and he tells her not to steal his material (she credits him after the fact). As for sharing one blog, the idea "never came up," he says. "It would be like saying, 'Let's share our underwear.'"
Ewww. That's another thing you shouldn't share, Derek.