Michael Musto Mourns The Culture Of Rear Entry

Gossip maven Michael Musto has figured out what's wrong with New York City. It seems that no gay dudes like to get it in the rear any more. This week, he writes: "The weird news in gay land is that no one's a bottom anymore....Tragically enough, a whole generation of bottoms passed on some time ago, and then came a whole new generation that learned from day one that being a wide-end receiver is risky, so they've always been testy and squeamish about it." While it is true that Confessions of a Bareback Top has been notably quiet lately, a quick perusal of Craigslist and Manhunt suggests otherwise to this thesis. However! This week's Dan Savage indicates that getting popped in the butt is solely a heterosexual activity now. Typical. Straight people will co-opt anything. Even kinda embarrassing and maybe conceptually dubious gladiator-ey sex practices.