Giant Fucking (Lion-Shaped) Robots Are Coming

· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Five Lions, Zero Ideas Edition: With Transformers breaking so many nonsequel box office records this summer, it was only a matter of time before someone put Voltron, the other 80s cartoon/toy series about robots that do cool, transforming-related stuff (no offense to Gobots)—into the adaptation pipeline.[Variety]
· In a tear-soaked promotion ceremony that begins with some lucky trainees tossing coffee in the faces of a new crop of mailroom clerks and ends with the official awarding of their golden shark fins, ICM elevates four staffers to agent status. Oh, happy day! [THR]
· Stardust director Matthew Vaughn will do the feature adaptation of Marvel comic book Thor, the musclebound deity with the nicest hair in all of Norse mythology. [Variety]
· NBC Universal might be trying to buy Oxygen, but Oprah and her group of investors might be turning up their nose at anything less than the $3 billion of "BET money" Viacom paid for that network. [THR]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Diddling Bruce Lee Edition: Warner Independent plans a noirish remake of Enter the Dragon. [Variety]