Stench Of Undead Feet Invades Century City Multiplex

The folks at the PlasmaSplasm blog have alerted us to an ongoing and altogether unpleasant issue over at the AMC theaters at Century City. Apparently, an eye-moistening stink—which they've described alternately as "foot sweat," "dog ass," and "like someone soaked a bog-mummy in Killian's and left it in a toaster oven"—permeates the theatres' basement. When their enjoyment of The Bourne Ultimatum was recently ruined by the malodorous fumes, they approached an AMC manager to find out exactly what was being done to rid the megaplex's flagship of the funk of forty-thousand years:
We had just seen the new Bourne movie, and had to sit through the entire thing smelling the hallway stink wafting in.
The manager said:
-They are very aware of the stink.
-They are working to get permission from the mall to put in a new air duct that leads to that hallway.
-They will not be replacing the carpet until they get permission to put in an air duct, and not until the air duct is built, because otherwise the carpet would just end up smelling bad again.
It's been a while since we took in a flick at Century City location, but if you too have experienced a fetid gust of zombie-foot-fumes with your popcorn, we'd love to hear your story. Similarly, we're open to theories about the stink's origin, though the overwhelming likelihood is that a CAA agent probably just grew a little overzealous disciplining an assistant, and efficiently disposed of the freak projectile iPhone victim in an air vent at the nearby multiplex.