Quit Your Job

Interesting article in yesterday's Wall Street Journal on why it's sometimes better to simply quit your job rather than suffer through another day of agony. For some reason it really speaks to us.
Everyone knows that the best way to leave an old job is to start a new one. But there can come a point when no job, no matter how financially necessary, is better than the last one. And despite all the good advice about lining up new work, stockpiling emergency funds and avoiding rash decisions, some people do discover that the devil they don't know is better than the one they do.
It's hard to predict your breaking point...
A propos of nothing, the new Portfolio is out today, and we've been instructed to review it. It has been a pleasure writing for you guys, and we hope to keep in touch. We wish you the best in your pursuit of the dream of finding lasting love.
Had It Up to HERE? Despite Risk, Some Say Quitting Is Way to Go [WSJ]