Stewart, Colbert, Creepy Elvis, And A Naked Cougar

· YouTube is calling Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert to testify in the suit the comedians' corporate overload Viacom filed against them, perhaps hoping to get one of the hosts to crack and admit that they're secretly uploading unauthorized clips of their shows to the site to spite Sumner Redstone.
· This WowWee Alive Elvis should haunt your dreams for months. Enjoy waking up in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat and begging the undead King not to devour your soul!
· Mark Philippoussis's Age of Love cougar runner-up has a naked past. This is not entirely surprising.
· We remember the dearly departed Scooter from a childhood's worth of Yankee games, but his Money Store spots also hold a special place in our hearts.
· Yeah, 300 parodies are like so Spring '07, but this one's really well done.