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PodTech has officially parted ways with "idiot comedian" Loren Feldman, within hours of announcing that founder John Furrier was stepping down as the online-video network's CEO. It's no coincidence. We've heard for some time that PodTech was looking "to separate the wheat from the chaff," and it's done so, both in its management ranks and its stable of so-called "talent." The rank amateurism of both Furrier and Feldman exemplifies the chaff that has, to date, dominated the Web-video world. Goodbye, and good riddance.

Furrier had it is easy when PodTech was founded two years ago: any amateur video producer could attract a small but rabid following, no matter how abstruse their subject matter. And funding, likewise, was easily had, no matter how half-baked the business plan. Now, consumers, competitors, and investors are more savvy, and yet the Internet video producers of Silicon Valley, aside from a few success stories like Revision3, have failed to attract big audiences. PodTech's culling of Furrier and Feldman, while wise, comes too late. Investors should refuse to fund such a badly run business which is giving the entire online-video scene a black eye. For the good of the industry, it's time to shake this company out of the mix, in hopes of a richer harvest down the road.