The Hot New Club: The Bench

Remember when we speculated that the next secret celebrity hotspot would be the upstairs of Barnes and Nobles on Thursday evenings? We weren't too far off. As the Observer observes, the new "it" spot is that bench in front of American Apparel at Houston and Orchard. "The Bench," as the bench is called, was founded by DJ Big Black Matt Goias, a sneaker "impresario" named Ari Forman and Moby's best friend, a guy named Fancy.
DJ Goias explains
"One night [earlier in the summer] we were sitting on that bench together and I said, 'Yo, this is the best club in New know, because you have to go to a stupid club party, like, 'Oh, it's Jessica's birthday party tonight, I promised I would say hi,' or 'So-and-so is D.J.-ing, I told them I would swing by.' But then it was like, sitting on this corner, we see all of the people that we would've seen if we went to those stupid places that we hate, and we could talk and smoke and fuck this, this is the shit right here. We were like, 'Yo, wouldn't it be funny if we made a flyer?...It's almost like an art project/marketing thing...Like, I can make nothing at all the hot shit. We can take nothing at all and look like, 'Ah-ha, we made you come to a street corner!'
The kid is like the new Ionesco.