The Defamer Job Board: Get A Damn Job Already, Would You?

Why can't the government just keep sending unemployment checks until you've finished your screenplay and/or finally booked a series regular gig on a hit show? Ponder this and other frustrating, employment-related questions as you scour the Defamer Job Board for an opportunity to once again contribute to society.
- Vice President, Foreign Film - Rogers and Cowan, Los Angeles, CA
- Movie Trailer Titles (Marvel / Fox) and Broadcast Graphics - CG - Interlace Media, Los Angeles, CA
- Media Planner - Saatchi & Saatchi, Los Angeles, CA
- writers/filmmakers group forming - n/a, Silverlake, CA
- News Editor- - Internet Broadcasting, Los Angeles, CA
- Editorial Assistant - Daily Journal Corporation, Los Angeles, CA
- ...and more