Drew Barrymore Jots Down Some Ideas At Beastie Boys Concert

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted beloved East Side mainstay Kiefer Sutherland in his rightful place, mingling among the drunk and unwashed masses at Sunset Junction.
In today's episode: Drew Barrymore and Spike Jonze; Tobey Maguire and Kevin Connolly; Will Ferrell; Halle Berry; Kiefer Sutherland; Beck; Liev Schreiber; Tom Waits; Heather Graham and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje; Rachel Leigh Cook; Michael C. Hall; Jonathan Bennett; William Fichtner; Drew Carey; Joey Lawrence; William Mapother and Dennis Haskins.
· last night (Aug. 20), drew barrymore at the beastie boys greek theater show. standing in line, swathed in black, for refreshments, she scribbled furiously onto a yellow pad, her head as far down as possible so as not to be recognized. was she composing her own rhymes? journaling about the deep feelings that "brass monkey" elicit in her? writing a love letter to mike d?
· So I was at the arclight this Saturday and who do I see snuggled into Spike Jonze's shoulder? None other than Drew Barrymore, fabulous and adorable in a soft baggy sweater. They just walked by trying for the inconspicuous while she hid behind her hair and Jonze's mustache.
· Beastie Boys concert last night Aug 20. Well, the Beastie Boys for one, then Tobey Maguire walks in with cutie Kevin Connolly and random actor guy I've seen in some things but have no idea what his name is. Concert was great although a bit more subdued when I last saw them in the early 90's at Lalapalooza. I think I just dated myself. Anyway, Team MCA!
· Will Ferrell with wife and two kids in double-stroller (the baby having a cranky moment) on Sunday afternoon (around 3:30) at the Whole Foods on Fairfax and 3rd St. Was wearing a blue button-down shirt...with goofy/preppy print shorts. Really friendly, bought some organic diapers and tons of reusable Whole Foods bags...must have just seen the 11th Hour. After he left, the cashier who played it cool excitedly ran to the other cashiers to see if they noticed who was just in the store.
· I saw Halle Berry at Pace Restaurant in Laurel Canyon on Sunday night. I don't think she noticed me though.
· ok, last i looked, there are some who are Jonesing(sp?) for their Kiefer Sutherland sighting...
-Sunday night, Sunset Junction Festival is closing down the BuzzCocks inspired a real and ferocious moshpit, Chebi Sabah was oh-so Wunderbar, and now i'm so happily intoxicated that i'm just doing a drinkless walk-through of 4100 Bar on my way home... and there he is! with friends on the outdoor patio, partying appropriately. Monsieur Kiefer, i salute you.
and now that i know that you have to say "sighting" in the subject line, your readers shall hear of my encounters (going backwards now) with Miss Bilson (um, Rachel?)shopping alone and well at Rock n' Roll Gelsons (on Franklin, about two weeks ago), David Carradine (gently weaving somewhat on the sidewalk in front of La Poubelle that same afternoon), Colin Farrell cruising in a black 4-wheeler through SilverLake last Spring... Oh! and Monsieur Beck got my hopes up when he was walking around Sunset Junction with a small but lovely female entourage Saturday morning. did he play? Diz the MC said yeah he will ... but no.
· Sunset Junction — August 19. Around 6:30 at 4100 Bar. A sad-sack Kiefer Sutherland, sitting alone, playing with his cell phone. Maybe he was just hung over, but everyone else in the bar looked happier than this dude. I guess money, fame and a quasi-annoying, "high concept" TV series can't buy you serenity.
· 8/15 Turning into my doctor's office parking lot near Beverly & Robertson, my wife says "Watch out for the homeless guy."
Homeless guy? Pshaw! It's Liev Schreiber, my generation's Olivier, hobbling around with a cast on his foot, looking glum and scruffy. His sartorial sense, baseball cap, wrinkled, un-tucked shirt and khakis, reminded me of another screen legend: Robert Shaw in Jaws.
· 8/19 - saw tom waits and his son/grandson/whatever at beastie boys. he was very casual and quiet and rad and had corpse-ier skin than keith richards. we walked down the stairs behind him to go to the bar in hospitality and it seemed like everyone there stopped their conversations and stared at him. i saw the neanderthal-ish guy from justice in the pit as well but i don't think that's really a celeb sighting unless you stay up late looking at cobrasnake.
· Friday 8/17 Fred 62. Spotted Mr. Eko (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje) from Lost...big dude, didn't smile. Stood near the counter top for a while, but didn't see what he was up to. A little later, Heather Graham sat down in a booth with an older guy—looked like a business meeting...he had a lot of papers, seemed sort of "producer" like. She looked pretty. That is all. Boring, I know.
· Hi, Defamer. Yesterday, the 19th, I went to Sunset Junction early with my girlfriend. Around 1:30p we headed up to the Vista to catch the matinee of "Superbad" (so funny). I got into the concessions line to get us some junk food. Two people in line ahead of me, I noticed a shapely woman with colorful shoes, tight jeans and a form-fitting blouse. Her hair was kind of blonde-ish. I got a look at her face and, without a doubt, it was Rachel Leigh Cook, looking absolutely, stunningly beautiful (face, body, the whole package). She also had on a Sunset Junction wristband, so she must've done the same thing as my girlfriend and me. She was with a guy who looked around 40 —graying a bit, short hair. Sad (but lucky for him) that this guy is her (I assume) boyfriend. I hope to God the guy's loaded, because if not, she could do so, so much better (no offense — sorry old man).
· Friday night at the Village Idiot, Jonathan Bennett (AKA The Cute Boy in Mean Girls) with friends. He's cute in person, but I spent my entire meal trying to remember if I knew him from college or from the TV.
Sunday at Bristol Farms — Celebrity Sighting HQ — Michael C. Hall in the produce department. He gave me a weirdly aggressive "YEAH IT'S ME WANNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT?!" glare. Dude, I was just looking for the jicama.
· Aug. 17 - On my husband's American flight from DFW to BUR, William Fichtner, whom he recognized only because "Blades of Glory" had been the in-flight movie on his connecting flight. Sitting in first class looking tan and, god knows I quote, "a little sweaty."
· HACK ALERT! Aug. 17. I just patronized Swinger's on Beverly, where I found myself privy to Drew "Cleveland Rocks!" Carey's blatant hit on a member of the wait staff (who was, I must say, patently out of his league). She feigned interest convincingly at some banal anecdote he was relating about The Price Is Right. His arm was in a cast. And that's that.
· Aug. 20 Tucker Carlson is out in front of the McDonald's on Ventura & Radford, having an animated cell phone conversation. Brooks Brothers-y, a little chunky, cuter than I'm comfortable with.
· Saturday, August 19th, LAX. Joey Lawrence with a woman and infant. He was bald, shiny, and copper as a new penny. I was underwhelmed enough not to stalk him to baggage claim.
· 8/21 - Holy shit - I just saw William Mapother (aka fucking ETHAN ROM from Lost) last night at Ralphs in Brentwood. He is one scary looking guy even in real life. Absolutely made my night.
· Just moved to LA yesterday and my inaugural celebrity sighting was Mr. Belding (Dennis Haskins, right?) at The Cat and Fiddle. He was at the "Have fun moving to New Jersey, see you in nine months when you realize it's a terrible place" goodbye party for the comedian Steve Hofstetter. He caught me totally staring him down. I merited an eyebrow raise in acknowledgement.