Waiver Lists All The Terrible Things That Could Possibly Happen To A 'Kids Nation' Contestant

While we're sure the 22-page waiver (just posted on the Smoking Gun) the parents and guardians of Kid Nation participants had to sign prior to shipping off their children to 40 fun-filled days in a New Mexico ghost town is nothing more than a boilerplate document that could be used to indemnify the proprietors of any summer camp that intended to film its own amateur production of Lord of the Flies against nuisance lawsuits, scanning the litany of potential disasters lawyers could envision befalling the Nation stars still makes for a pretty good time.
In addition to the staggering variety of mishaps (listed above) that could occur on fun day trips to "inherently dangerous travel areas," the embattled production also wisely choose to protect itself against the unpredictable aftermath (STDs, pregnancy, HIV, etc) of verboten intimate relationships that might develop between the show's 8-to-15-year-olds after tossing back too many judgment-impairing drinks at their community's root beer saloon.