Yoga couples? Inappropriate yoga guys? No, the next frontier of things that make us ashamed to be yoginis is Naked Yoga, which is gaining in popularity. According to one website, naked yoga "teaches you that there is nothing uncomfortable about your naked body. In other words, it liberates you by making you feel 'at home with your body,'" Because regular yoga just isn't body-liberating enough? Gah. However, the same site cautions, "Nudity can be very distracting and may be a challenge to your concentration. But, with regular practice and with the help of your Yoga instructor, you can win over these distractions." What distractions might those be, we wondered?

Some answers might be found at the site for Kalani Hot Nude Yoga Retreat, where Aaron Star (pictured, my lord) is a "facilitator."

Aaron, when working with students in his Classes, Retreats, DVD's or Workshops, has shown many students how to fine tune their senses to experience that sublime erotic flow within them and its subtle energetic current while cultivating a deeper awareness of their own Inner Sanctuary. He introduces people to the principles of Alignment while teaching people how to touch and promote harmony in yourself and others. Dedicated to healthy natural cooking and clean living, Aaron also makes his own brand of all "Natural Jams and Jellies" which he sells to friends and students, while running International Retreats and Teacher Training Events around the world, attracting a wide and diversified group of men.

Jams and ... jellassdjfjkdsgffhs. Sorry, I just had to relearn how to type after my bleeding eyeballs fell out of my freaking head.