Fake Michael Arrington launches CrunchFood

TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington's breathless writeups of Web 2.0 startups practically parody themselves. As does the incessant expansion of his "Crunch"-branded empire. But his overripe prose has met a near-perfect sendup in CrunchFood, a faux dot-comestibles blog written by a fake Michael Arrington. (Imagine that: a poser poseur.) CNNMoney's Jim Ledbetter writes, "Whoever is writing it has a seasoned grasp of Arrington's astonishing mixture of depth, conflicts of interest, timeliness, and hint of arrogance." A post about lemons and limes includes an obligatory disclosure about the fake Arrington's citrus-grove ownership. Whoever's behind it has a keen sense of irony. CNET, the tech publisher and particular Arrington bugaboo, has recently diversified into food writing. Given Arrington's knack for slavish imitation, could a real CrunchFood be so far off?