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The crew from Uncov, the sarcastic self-styled anti-TechCrunch, wants to attend TechCrunch20. That, of course, is the conference where TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington will bless us with 20 demonstrations of the hottest new startups. Uncov's editors say they want to ask the hard questions we all suspect won't be posed to Arrington's handpicked favorites. But attendance, alas, isn't free. Each ticket costs $2,495. So the "bunch of poor startup founders who write a marginally popular blog that doesn't have any advertising on it" are having a hard time making ends meet. If you don't want Uncov absent at the TechCrunch20 "jerkoff," you can make a donation. So far, they have raised a whopping $185! So they need your support.

Fortunately, we're not the only ones who want to see Uncov asking tough questions of Arrington, Calacanis, and crew. We hear that a wealthy venture capitalist has already pledged one full ticket. But keep donating, the rumored ticket may not materialize, and we want to send the whole team! The Uncov crew promises not to disappoint:

So here's the deal: if any readers out there just have too much money, send us to TC20. We'll ask real questions, hopefully in front of everybody, and videotape it. We'll put the hilarity on YouTube for all to see. Maybe we can even make people realize what a farce the whole thing is.

Yes, I will make fun of Jason Calacanis for being functionally useless. Yes, I will make fun of MC Hammer for having been around the world from London to the Bay and still not being qualified to judge tech companies. And yes, I will make fun of Michael Arrington for running this whole circus as a profit center and billing it as a charitable service to Web 2.0 companies.