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Get your resumes ready, Yahoos, if you haven't already. That rumored Yahoo reorg? Oh, it's on. We've heard that Yahoo has hired consultants Stone Yamashita Partners to help streamline the organization. And you know what consultants mean, right? As Mike Judge's cult classic Office Space reminds us:

TOM: We're all screwed, that's what. They're gonna downsize Initech. SAMIR: Oh, what are you talking about Tom? How do you know that? TOM: They're bringing in a consultant - that's how I know.

Stone Yamashita, of course, isn't the big-bad downsizing kind of consultancy Tom and Samir are talking about — that's more the McKinsey type. But Valleywag has heard Stone Yamashita has been working with Yahoo since the ouster of former CEO Terry Semel. The firm's known for assisting companies in defining what they do — exactly the kind of help Yahoo really needs. If Stone Yamashita also helps Yang figure out that the newly redefined Yahoo doesn't need so many layers of executives, all the better.