Owen Wilson: The Best Case Scenario

Hypothesizing about what might have led Owen Wilson so far astray—and ultimately towards Sunday's blindsiding whinny for help—is no simple matter. As details emerge, the story only seems to grow darker; certainly having Courtney Love go on the glossy record about her concern over your heavy drug use does not bode well. Adding to the tragic circumstances was today's announcement that Wilson would be pulling out of Tropic Thunder, denying him a chance to once again play cocksure counterpoint to another tightly wound Ben Stiller comic creation. But before we start conjuring nightmarish scenarios in which Wilson permanently retreats from the public eye and into his shell, or worse, becomes a regular fixture on Tyra, let us turn to the comforting words of the only two men who can help us see the light at the end of this tunnel of despair—famed John Belushi-wrangler Bernie "Never Saw A Celebrity Tragedy I Couldn't Weigh In On In A Deadline-Friendly 25 Words Or Less" Brillstein, and Tom "Who the Fuck Cares What Tom Arnold Thinks About This?" Arnold:
Many Hollywood insiders believe Wilson's setback will be short-lived and that he will continue to enjoy big-screen success.
"He's loved," Bernie Brillstein, a veteran Hollywood manager who worked with John Belushi and Chris Farley, said Tuesday.
Brillstein said the apparent suicide attempt is "serious, but it's a singular case. Anyone can have a bad day, a very bad day."
Wilson's friend Tom Arnold also had kind words.
"Most people are confused by this, but as a recovering addict myself it gives me hope that this is his bottom and he can turn it around. He really is a good guy," Arnold told theinsideronline.com.
Having only recently labeled far less sympathetic celebrity meltdown victim Lindsay Lohan with the dreaded "uninsurable" word, we come away entirely encouraged by Brillstein's tragedy-diminishing analysis of the Wedding Crashers star's "very bad day," and the relative lack of a long-term effect it will have on his career. Less reassuring, however, are Arnold's sentiments, which draw uncomfortable parallels between the two men, indirectly suggesting the best Wilson can do to "turn himself around" at this point is to hope for the occasional According to Jim guest spot and the love of a good, Roseanne Barr-sized woman.