The AP reports that earlier this week a toddler in Oregon climbed into a Jeep, knocked it out of gear, and crashed it into someone's house. Don't worry, though—he got back home in time to watch cartoons.

According to police, who spoke to KPTV, witnesses reported that when the three-year-old managed to knock the Jeep out of gear it was sent "down the street, through an intersection, up over a curb, through a yard, and into a house."

When police found the boy, who was wearing only a diaper for the entire incident, he was at home on his couch, chilling out and watching cartoons as if he hadn't just had a terrifying solo ride in a careening Jeep.

KPTV reports that the family made a "civil compromise" with the homeowner about the damage to the house, and police cited 22-year-old Brennan Pennington, a relative of the tiny Jeep thief, for failing to supervise him.

Please, everyone: watch your babies.

[image via Shutterstock]