In time to find himself the subject of Emmy acceptance speeches delivered by extremely grateful late night talk show monologue writers, itinerant golfer and bestselling confessional co-author O.J. Simpson was arrested late yesterday morning for his alleged armed robbery of a sports memorabilia dealer in a Vegas hotel room Thursday night. A round-up of the latest developments:

· TMZ obtained audio of the Palace Station hotel room incident recorded by Thomas Riccio, an auction house owner Simpson brought along, which begins with O.J. shouting, "Don't let nobody out of this room. You motherfuckers! Think you can steal my shit and get away with it?" and proceeds to get more threatening from there. [TMZ]

· Simpson was arrested at 11:05 a.m. at the Palms by Las Vegas police, and is being held without bail until his bond hearing 7:45 a.m. Wednesday morning. [LAT]

· Simpson was charged with two counts each of robbery with a deadly weapon and assault with a deadly weapon, and one count each of conspiracy to commit burglary and burglary with a firearm. The first two carry sentences of anywhere from 6 to 70 years in prison. [NY Times]

· Fred Goldman noted Simpson's "arrogant swagger" during his perp walk, and expresses a hope that Vegas prosecutors "cross every t and dot every i." []

· Alfred Beardsley, the alleged robbery victim, has already received an apology from Simpson. He says he "feels bad" about what went down, claiming he has known O.J. for years, and that they "fight like brothers." [TMZ]

· If I Did It currently sits at the #2 position on the Amazon best seller list, unseated by Alan Greenspan's The Age of Turbulence, an equally irresistible memoir full of the saucy boudoir secrets of the former Fed chairman and Andrea Mitchell. [Amazon]