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Congratulations to entrepreneur Aaron Patzer, pictured above with an oversized novelty check. His financial-services startup Mint was the big winner in this week's TechCrunch40 conference, bringing home the $50,000 prize for being the "best in show." So, what was the overall view of TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington and entrepreneur Jason Calacanis's big event? This take, sent to us late last night from an out-of-town journalist, explains it better than we could.

I'm drunk. But that's okay, because my editor spiked my TechCrunch piece. "This isn't what we expected at all," he said of the show, having been lured by the big-brain judges and the presumption that Arrington's top-secret reveal would be another iPhone. I suspect the next such blind event will have trouble getting reporters to show up, except the sort such as Wired who make themselves part of the story. These effectively worked for Arrington this week, publishing what he wanted when he wanted. Given the endless EMBARGO EMBARGO EMBARGO rules I couldn't keep straight, it was a relief to have no actual news to break. I forget my point, but see you somewhere else next year.