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Today, the creative dream team of American Idol host/tireless megaproducer Ryan Seacrest and America's Got Talent judge/off-key finale-stealer David Hasselhoff have announced their promising collaboration on Tales From the Hoff, a scripted E! series that should provide a much-needed respite from the celebrity-fellating network's nonstop countdown-related programming. If you've ever furrowed a brow at the actor's repeated attempts at sustaining a post-Baywatch show business career and thought to yourself, "This man's sad quest to remain relevant to a generation that's never even heard of Knight Rider would make a darkly funny television show," then this upcoming project will quickly find itself on your Season Pass list, according to Var:

While "Tales From the Hoff" will center on a fictional character, the similarities between that character and Hasselhoff are obvious, including Hasselhoff's marital status (he divorced last year). Project stemmed from conversations Hasselhoff had with friends about how his life might inspire an interesting TV show.

As potentially hilarious as watching a lightly fictionalized Hasselhoff try to navigate a Hollywood that's far crasser than the one of his relatively recent lifeguarding heyday with nary a vagina to flash at the single, camera-toting tourist he mistakes for a paparazzo trying to document his El Pollo Loco run sounds, the producers have probably reviewed every episode of the stillborn So NoToriOus and realize the chief creative obstacle they face: No matter how long they lock themselves in the writers' room, they'll never dream up a scenario for their washed-up protagonist more tragicomically surreal than the twenty seconds of floorburger footage that's defined his recent career.