Earlier this week, in her first piece since starting at the Observer, Doree Shafrir wrote of the David Burke & Donatella peanut butter & foie gras sandwich. Coincidentally, ABC News took a look at the sandwich today! Let's compare!

Here's the Observer:

The object of your curiosity is a $21 variation on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich: a special, though almost every night it's on the menu, described as a "torchon of foie gras, macadamia nut butter, strawberry-vanilla jam, toasted brioche." At a restaurant known for taking culinary whimsy to a sometimes illogical extreme, this invention seems decidedly illogical: a kitschy bastardization of a fourth-grader's lunch.

And ABC's version?

This peanut butter and jelly sandwich won't be found in lunchboxes in the school cafeteria. This $21 peanut butter and jelly sandwich, found at New York City's David Burke & Donatella, is described as a "torchon of foie gras, macadamia nut butter, strawberry-vanilla jam, toasted brioche." Not quite the Skippy and Smuckers version, this pretentiously creative concoction certainly requires a more refined palette than that of a third-grader.

Heh. But the photographer got a credit! Congratulations, Doree, you've hit the big time: You just got jacked by a major news organization whose biggest story today was "'Love Boat': Where Are They Now?" (Hey, where are they now?)

Everyday Items for the Rich and Richer [ABC News]