Radiohead spits in the face of both Apple and

All the record-label kevetching that the Internet is killing their livelihood may actually be true. But it's not college kids sharing files in broadband-equipped dorms that they need to worry about. Radiohead is releasing its new album sans label. Novel, but the interesting bit is that the band is giving a choice to consumers: Pay $82 for a super-fancy, boxed edition of In Rainbows, or download the album — for whatever you think it's worth. This follows a similar campaign by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails who says once his band's label obligations are completed, it will release digital albums for about $4. Of course it's not just the music industry that should be concerned. touted the fact that it had secured Radiohead for its new MP3 store, after the band had long refused to sell on Apple's iTunes. But how valuable will this relationship be if fans can essentially obtain Radiohead's music for free, with the band's blessing?