Technorati attempts to regain relevance

The blogosphere was thrown into chaos when its search king, Technorati's David Sifry, abdicated his throne in August. The search for a new CEO went on for months. Who, after all, wanted to venture into a market increasingly dominated by Google, whose Blog Search was making Technorati increasingly irrelevant? But Technorati's board, at last, has found their patsy.Richard Jalichandra, a former business development guru at IGN Entertainment and Fox Interactive Media, whom insiders believe had a hand in the merger been game sites IGN and GameSpy, the acquisition of film site Rotten Tomatoes, and the company's acquisition by News Corp. for $650 million. Or not.
He left mid-2006, enduring his fall from Rupert Murdoch's grace by playing advisor to, a image and video search, and For his troubles, he seems to have acquired an unhealthy orange glow. Hopefully he'll be able to fix, at the very least, Technorati's appearances, if not its substance.