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There's something retro about Boing Boing tv, the new daily video from the wacky superblog. Not just the archival videoclips that make up half the show. BBtv's anchors, Xeni Jardin and Mark Frauenfelder, are shot in classic TV news-anchor style. The most popular videoblogs broke the rules. Ze Frank spent hours each day stitching together multiple angles of the same monologue. Rocketboom took the other tack — just let the camera run. Boing Boing's hosts are in the middle ground occupied by CNN — one straight take of a talking head reading a script. It feels dated, out of step with the website's glib groove. I want the show to succeed, so yo, BB: How about revising the format? And trim the 15-second intro down to two before the action starts. You're almost as slow to roll as The GigaOm Show's 23 seconds, an online video eternity.