Clooney Pushed

· Universal is pushing the release of George Clooney's Leatherheads from December to April, so that Clooney can "incorporate additional footage and honor previous commitments," hoping that the extra four months will be more than enough time for the director/star to fix all the things they can't publicly admit they don't like about the film. [Variety]
· 30 Rock's season premiere Jerry Seinfeld stunt-cameo pays off, as the show set its series record for 18-49 viewers. CBS, however, won the night over ABC behind CSI and Survivor. [THR]
· Fox makes a series commitment to spooky, X-Files-ish, Twilight Zone-y J.J. Abrams show Fringe, which he plans to kick off with a $10 million, two-hour pilot. [Variety]
· About $20 million worth of people who were entertained by There's Something About Mary are expected to turn out to be disappointed by the Farrelly brothers' reunion with Ben Stiller in The Heartbreak Kid. [THR]
· Warner Bros. shells out $2 million for the bachelor party spec script Hangover (logline: Dude, Where's My Groom?), which they hope director Todd Phillips can crank out before the strike that may or may not be on its way. [Variety]