No sex in NYC's Googleplex
Last week's press party in Google's New York offices brought lots of coverage of the search engine's Chelsea quarters. But leave it to the girlfriend of a Googler, a decidedly non-media civilian, to give us the most detailed picture of the Googleplex East. Last week, she visited her beau at work and blogged her impression of his daily surroundings, pointing out unspoken truths like how no one at Google smokes and that there are remarkably few African-American Google employees. The highlight of the report, however, is her disappointment in the Google bathrooms.
-You can't have sex in the bathroom. I'll admit this was my first idea upon arriving. I harbor certain office fantasies (unashamed!) that I've always been tempted to fulfill, and the thought of being Googled at Google by my Googler was just too much. But then, with the tightened security and the whole getting-fired-if-we-get-caught thing (something the Googlers would call a CLM [- Career Limiting Move) it seemed all too risky. You can, however, take a shower in there.