Warner Bros. Reassures Hollywood It Still Loves The Ladies

Hoping to supplement a recently issued official denial of Friday's Deadline Hollywood Daily story claiming that he's no longer interested in throwing his money down a vagina-shaped well by producing female-star-driven features, Warner Bros. president of production Jeff Robinov takes to the trades today to reaffirm his studio's continuing commitment to lady-based entertainments, helpfully running down for Variety every chick flick he's made, wishes he'd made, or one day plans to make:
Robinov is currently in final negotiations for a Cameron Diaz picture. And he made aggressive bids to land both Peter Jackson's "The Lovely Bones" and the "Sex in the City" movie, but lost the deals to DreamWorks and New Line, respectively.
Citing such Warners hit chick flicks as "Cinderella Story" and "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" (a sequel is in the works), Robinov said he is still in the business of making pics with women. Warners is producing an adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks novel "Nights in Rodanthe," starring Diane Lane and Richard Gere. Also in the pipeline are "Spring Breakdown," a fish-out-of-water comedy about 20ish women on spring break, and the romantic comedy "Fool's Gold," starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. Robinov said he would happily make Nikki Caro's noble failure "North Country," starring Charlize Theron, again.
So there you have it: some of Robinov's best friends are A-list actresses, and he's more than willing to light a few million dollars on fire for their passion projects if there's the possibility of some Oscar nominations. Now that this matter is settled, he and his studio-running peers can resume the important business of issuing press releases claiming that the unreasonable Writers Guild won't be happy until all of Hollywood is consumed by the flames of their residual-craving creed.