King of the bloggers

"Drudge, Drudge, Drudge. One can only imagine the particular kind of loathing the Dickensian music of that name must inspire in White House staffers," observed Steve Silberman a decade ago. Today, Matt Drudge curdles the whey of journalists and bloggers, too. At 16 million visits, a slow day on is still an order of magnitude beyond the New York Times's website. Drudge even beats the 10 million or so auto-delivered daily to MSN by Internet Explorer (DISCLAIMER: I write for MSN. And you don't.) As the world's most-read standalone journalist, Matt Drudge makes Instapundit Glenn Reynolds — 198,000 daily visits — seem like a piker. So it always brings a smile to watch tech bloggers jockey for position. Robert Scoble, #43 on the latest hot list, gets props for publishing his blog's stats yesterday, but reality check: Even the Scobleizer's fan club measures under one-half of a millidrudge.