"AOL's Bill Wilson would frag his own mother"

VIENNA, VA. — In a way, I can't blame AOL CEO Randy Falco for wanting to pack up his bags and decamp for New York. The mood at AOL's Dulles headquarters, judging by the stream of emails I'm getting, could be worse — but only if the layoffs don't hit as expected. From what I gather, more people are hoping to put out of their misery than are praying to have their jobs spared. Top executives draw a special flavor of bile, like Bill Wilson, AOL's vigorously muscular — and vigorously hated — head of programming. The email's subject line read "AOL's Bill Wilson would frag his own mother" — and it got worse from there:
No way Bill Wilson would quit in protest over layoffs. He lacks the integrity for that kind of protest, and anyway he doesn't give a fuck about the people who work for him or who use his products. This is a guy who would regularly undermine his direct reports' by going to their subordinates and instigating HR trouble in their departments. He's also a known sexist and racist, even though he never shuts up about how he worked at Def Jam and used to shine Lyor Cohen's shoes. Ask any of his female or ethnic direct reports - oh wait! there aren't any! they all quit! - or anyone who has ever worked in AOL's retarded Latino or Black divisions.
The only way he might quit is if he was up late one night in Jersey writing one of his patented 'roid-rage team emails. Although that guy runs a bullshit "my body is a temple" meeting - he eats the fruit and salad and gives you a smug dirty look if you reach for a cookie - he always felt like a closet coke fiend or steroid addict. Or maybe the REFUSE TO LOSE!!! thing is Landmark or Scientology. But something dumb and annoying.
No way he is quitting over layoffs.