Following Wisconsin's victory over the previously undefeated Kentucky Wildcats on Saturday, basketball fans took to the streets of Lexington to light shit on fire, chant anti-Wisconsin slogans and get arrested by police.

According to The Courier-Journal, a crowd of more than a thousand "angry Cats fans" assembled to express their collective, burn-y grief, resulting in 31 arrests for charges including public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

A police spokesperson said authorities were "thankful no one was seriously injured and that there was no major destruction of property."

Having won and not lost the big bouncing ball game, the scene in Wisconsin was markedly different. From NBC:

In the streets of Madison, a huge crowd of jubilant fans cheered and waved flags after the Badgers' win. When a man scaled a light pole, the crowd began chanting "USA! USA!" The police department said there were no significant problems during the celebration.

[Image via AP Images]