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I'm coming to like Boing Boing TV as telegenic Xeni Jardin loosens up on camera. The willfully dorky Mark Frauenfelder has ditched the Mitt Romney look he sported in the pilot for a more fitting mad scientist getup. But in Studio City hipster-speak, the latest "ep" opens with a "bumper" of 36 rapid-fire 8-bit images. Whoa wait, what were those? I tracked down the artist, Adam Koford, who explained the subliminal list of Boing Boing's pet obsessive topics.

The icons flash by beginning 10 seconds into the video below.

From: A. Koford
Subject: RE: Icons in the new BBtv thinger
Date: October 11, 2007 4:16:46 PM PDT

Here's a list in what I'm pretty sure is the final order:
A sorry popsicle, Ren and Stimpy, xkcd, $100 laptop, Pac-Man, the Apple logo, a comic book, a squid, the EFF logo, Bigfoot print, an Amy Crehore painting, John Hodgman's "H in sunrays" hobo sign, a LOLcat, Spock, a Coop painting, iPhone, a steampunk laptop, an old school NES controller a flying saucer, a Tim Biskup monster, a mushroom, Bob, the beginning of the AACS key, a tiki idol, Make magazine, Mario, R2D2, Devo, Mickey Mouse, a Lego man, TSA baggie, NSA, a sad Mac icon, ukulele, a goatse icon, and finally a unicorn.

Mash 'em up yourself with this Photoshop file of all 36 icons. Please observe the Creatve Commons license on the work — non-commercial use only, with attribution.