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If you're not drunk yet, you'll have plenty of opportunity to fix that this weekend. Start early, we say! Find your occasion on these top events from the Valleywag calendar:

  • Facebook platform manager Dave Morin is having a birthday party at Slide — the nightclub, not the Facebook-app developer — on Mason St. in San Francisco tonight at 10 p.m. 244 people, including VC, entrepreneurs, and notable Facebookers, have confirmed their attendance, so it should be a good time. We wonder if Facebook's top execs will be there — or will have to ditch it for deal meetings. [Facebook]
  • We hear that Valleywag's favorite spiritmaker, Lotus Vodka, is throwing a private shindig at Circa on Chestnut Street in the Marina. Should start at 9 p.m.
  • Would some barley and hops brighten your dreary day? Try Oktoberfest by the Bay this weekend in San Francisco's Fort Mason. [Upcoming]
  • Tomorrow, SuperHappyDevHouse has another hackathon session planned for tomorrow in Cupertino. []

Got a to-do that's a must-do? Send it to Check out more events on our Google Calendar:

(Photo by b_d_solis)